Sapulpa Church of God
8500 Frankoma Road, Sapulpa, OK - Worship services at 9:45 am & 6:00 pm Sunday, 7:00 pm Wednesday

Bro. Marty encourages the congregation to bring inspiration to church services.  Unlike Jacob's sons during the famine that were sitting around waiting for someone to go to Egypt to get corn, we need to each contribute our little part to God's service and all will be ministered to. Similar to a potluck dinner, small contributions from all add up to a full dinner for all.  Bro. Marty marvels at the enthusiasm of OU Sooner football fans that arrive hours before the game starts and wonders how inspired worship services can be if members display that same enthusiasm.  Bro. Marty also recalls the story of the Doolittle Raid in World War II. 

Direct download: 2012-10-03_Sapulpa_Revival.mp3
Category:Encouragement -- posted at: 7:00pm CST