Sapulpa Church of God
8500 Frankoma Road, Sapulpa, OK - Worship services at 9:45 am & 6:00 pm Sunday, 7:00 pm Wednesday

No church services on December 22 due to the inclement weather. 

Category:general -- posted at: 8:44am CST

Bro. James explores how we can seek out the root cause of habits.  An illustration of how God seals and purges our lives is given using a refrigeration system. 

Direct download: 2013-12-15_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 12:24pm CST

Bro. James speaks of keeping our works (Rev 2:26), the sayings of the book (Rev 22:7), our garments (Rev 16:15), our mouth & tongue (Prov. 21:23), the truth (Isa 26:2), & God's commandments (John 14:21). 

Bro. James challenged the congregation to memorize John 14:21 - "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me; and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."

Direct download: 01_Keep_Gods_Commandments_Receive_His_Manifestation.mp3
Category:Encouragement -- posted at: 4:27pm CST