Sapulpa Church of God (Warning)
8500 Frankoma Road, Sapulpa, OK - Worship services at 9:45 am & 6:00 pm Sunday, 7:00 pm Wednesday


Direct download: 2024-06-30_AM_Sapulpa.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 3:46pm CST

Bro. James Bell

Direct download: 2018-04-08_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 11:00am CST

Bro. James Bell

Direct download: 2018-01-21_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 12:54pm CST

Bro. Ken warns of being overcharged with the world around us; allowing the cares of life to crowd out the Lord's voice, His guidance, His blessings. Scriptures referenced: Luke 22:41, Daniel 1:3-8, Mark 7:14-23, Gal 6:7-9. 

Direct download: 2015-11-13_Sapulpa.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 8:39pm CST

Bro. James speaks of how God is observing the hearts and actions of mankind around the world. God has given man all he needs to love Him and now He is taking stock in how man is responding to the gift. 

Direct download: 2014-12-21_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 12:00pm CST

Bro. Michael Smith warns that in these last days the Devil is using many tactics to seduce souls into deception. Encouragement given that God is greater than the enemy & will save our souls if we cling to God's way. Scriptures referenced: Isaiah 21:6, I Timothy 6:12, Ephesians 6:12, I Peter 5:8, I Timothy 3:6-7, II Timothy 2:19, I Timothy 4:1, Revelations 16:13. 

Direct download: 2014-11-05_Sapulpa.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 10:08pm CST

Bro. Curtis reviews the parable in Matthew 22 and explores how we can make our calling and election sure. 

Direct download: 2014-04-09_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 12:00pm CST

Bro. Bob reflects on the importance of living for eternity. Scriptures referenced: Hebrews 8:11, Hebrews 13:13, Matt 16:24, Matt 5:27, Rev 20:11-15. 

Direct download: 2014-03-15_Sapulpa_Revival.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 9:07pm CST

Bro. Bob Wilson reviews the various devices that the Devil uses to snare men's souls. Scriptures referenced: I Peter 5:8, II Cor 2:11, Romans 12:3, I John 2:1, Isaiah 55:7, Isaiah 50:10. 

Direct download: 2014-03-12_Sapulpa_Revival.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 9:54pm CST

Bro. Rodney urges the congregation to "take more earnest heed to the things which we have heard"; recounting the experience of Shimei from 1 Kings 2.  

Direct download: 2013-11-09_Sapulpa_PM.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 8:50pm CST

Bro. Curtis Williams speaks of three woeful situations for souls to be in when the Lord returns: 

1) Oblivious to God (Matthew 22:1 - 14)

2) Deceived by the Devil (Matthew 7:21 - 23)

3) Tardy (Luke 13:23 - 27)

Bro. Curtis also reminds us of the power of unity & shared spiritual experiences. 

Other scriptures referenced: Hebrews 10:23 - 27, Hebrews 9:27 - 28. 

Direct download: 2013-03-2420Sapulpa20AM.mp3
Category:Warning -- posted at: 10:30am CST