Sapulpa Church of God (Growth)
8500 Frankoma Road, Sapulpa, OK - Worship services at 9:45 am & 6:00 pm Sunday, 7:00 pm Wednesday

Sis Jody Inman

Direct download: 2025-01-12_AM_Sapulpa.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 10:01am CST

Direct download: 2024-12-29_Sapulpa_PM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 8:01pm CST

Direct download: 2024-12-29_AM_Sapulpa.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 3:58pm CST

Bro. James Bell

Direct download: 2023-04-23_AM_James_Bell_-_Do_Not_Be_Dismayed.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 3:19pm CST

The November 2015 revival continues with Bro. Ken Elwell. 

Direct download: 2015-11-14_Sapulpa.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 7:00pm CST

Before this sermon recording begins, Bro. James had described how a knowledgeable technician can identify internal characteristics of a air conditioning compressor by simply measuring the resistance between the external connectors. Bro. James then describes how we can seek out the hidden unknowns that God has for us.  Scriptures referenced: I Cor 2:5-12, Eph 1:2-9, Matt 2:1-10, Luke 24:45. 

Direct download: 2015-06-14_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 4:28pm CST

Bro. James describes how Christians are renewed in their spirit by seeking out "hidden manna" from God. Scriptures referenced: Rev 2:17, I Peter 3:1-4, Eph 4:22, Col 3:8, Prov 2: 4. 

Direct download: 2015-06-07_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 4:30pm CST

Bro. Curtis asks what image are we being molded into? Into God's image as intended or into the world's image? 

Direct download: 2014-11-16_AM_Sapulpa.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 12:00pm CST

Bro. James explores how we can seek out the root cause of habits.  An illustration of how God seals and purges our lives is given using a refrigeration system. 

Direct download: 2013-12-15_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 12:24pm CST

Bro. James explores what is required for our spiritual life to advance from good to better, then from better to best. 

Direct download: 2013-10-2020Sapulpa20AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Bro. James Bell speaks of growing relationships beyond superficial (signified by "Hello") to relationships where we love one another (signified by the willingness to wash one another's feet). 

Direct download: 2013-10-1320Sapulpa20AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Bro. James continues the thought of being spiritual from April 21. 

Scriptures referenced: Job 33:14, Proverbs 21:2, Hebrews 11, Psalms 139

Direct download: 2013-04-2820Sapulpa20AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 5:47pm CST

Bro. James explores the value of being "spirited". 

Scriptures referenced: Hebrews 11:4, Hebrews 5:8 - 14; Galations 6:1, Romans 8:6, Matthew 5

Direct download: 2013-04-2120Sapulpa20AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 12:00am CST

[Description to be added]

Direct download: 2013-03-0320Sapulpa20AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Bro. James encourages us to use God's tools to evaluate our lives instead of our own minds. King Saul and King David each experienced failures when they used their own minds to justify their actions. It is dangerous to use "introspection", defined as using our mind to evaluate our actions, rather than using God's Word to examine ourselves. 

Scriptures referenced: II Peter 1:20, Psalms 19:12, Psalms 90:8, I Cor. 11:26 - 29, Jeremiah 17:5 - 10, I John 3:20 - 22

Direct download: 2013-02-2420Sapulpa20AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Bro. James explains how we need to explore and seek out greater depths with God, as the Dannites sought out their inheritance in Judges 18:1 - 10.  If we are wanting a deeper spiritual relationship with God, we will need to risk our natural comfort and earnestly seek out God's purpose and will in our life.  Bro. James recalls Bro. Marty's story about a football fan's enthusiasm for their favorite team (located in sermon "Enthusiasm" at minute 6:45) - how much more should we be actively seeking out God's depths? Have desire, humility, & God will lead you. 

Scriptures referenced: Judges 18:1 - 10, Joshua 3:4, Exodus 33:12 - 14, Isaiah 48:17, Proverbs 9:5 - 6, Psalms 85:12 - 13, Psalms 32: 8, Psalms 25:15

Direct download: 2013-02-10_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Growth -- posted at: 3:54pm CST