Sapulpa Church of God (Salvation)
8500 Frankoma Road, Sapulpa, OK - Worship services at 9:45 am & 6:00 pm Sunday, 7:00 pm Wednesday
Direct download: 2024-12-22_AM_Williams_Gift_of_God_vs_Wages_of_Sin.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 4:47pm CST


Direct download: 2024-07-14_AM_Sapulpa.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 4:13pm CST

Bro. James Bell

Direct download: 2023-04-09_AM_James_Bell_-_LIFE.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 3:42pm CST

Bro. Curtis Williams

Direct download: 2018-04-01_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 12:00pm CST

Direct download: 2018-01-07_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 7:22pm CST

Bro. Curtis Williams

Direct download: 2017-04-16_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 9:06pm CST

Bro. Curtis contrasts the various answers to the question "Who is Jesus Christ?", then explores how Jesus provided a way for each and every person to have a personal relationship with Him. 

Direct download: 2014-01-12_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Bro. Rodney references the story of Jesus meeting the woman at the well and relates the attributes of water to Jesus Christ. 

Direct download: 2013-11-08_Sapulpa_PM.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Bro. James recounts the events of Jesus' crucifixion & resurrection, then focuses on the atonement & healing that Christ earned for us with the stripes he bore. When Jesus thirsted on the cross, it seemed that the soldiers were preparing water in a sponge, but it was vinegar.  Bro. James implores us to not crucify Jesus again in our hearts, but accept his resurrection & triumph over sin. This is the infallible proof that Jesus provides personally to us individually - victory over sin & iniquity in our life. 

Scriptures referenced: Acts 1, Isaiah 53, Romans 8:11

Direct download: 2013-03-3120Sapulpa20AM.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Bro. James speaks that we need a personal witness in our soul so that we move and act as God directs, not according to our own motivation, like Moses and Noah. 

Scriptures referenced: John 13:35, John 14, I Cor 12:13, Hebrews 11:8, I John 5

Direct download: 2013-02-17_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 11:00am CST

Bro. James talks about being transformed by Jesus Christ.  The congregation sings "There is a Foundation".  Referencing Romans 12:2  "…be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…", Bro. James progresses to the thought of being "converted" and "becoming a new creature". It's essential that God cleanses us; we can't clean ourselves with good works and morality.  We can clean the outside of our body, but only God can cleanse our soul. Other scriptures mentioned: Matthew 18:3, Acts 3:19, Titus 3:5, John 3:7, I Peter 1:22-25. 

Direct download: 2013-01-06_Sapulpa_AM.mp3
Category:Salvation -- posted at: 12:00am CST